Reddit SFW Plugin

Reddit SFW Plugin




Reddit is an online social media platform where people can read and share posts from various topics ranging from News, politics, Science, Dark humour etc. There are many posts and subReddits which are Not Safe For Work and you would not like them to popup when you are with family or in public. The main motivation behind our project was to create an SFW plugin for Reddit which let’s the user create multiple profiles (like Home, Family, Work) and choose what kind of posts he would like to see when that profile is on. We want the user to provide the user the freedom to browse Reddit safely without the fear of an NSFW or a controversial post coming up when they want which may make him feel uncomfortable with others.



There a few posts on Reddit which are implictly marked as Controversial/NSWF by Reddit itself according to their upvote ratio, comments etc. But there are still a lot of posts which are not marked as NSFW/Controversial by Reddit but may have the potential to be one. So for such kinds of posts, we offer the user to classify them as one and filter these out for him.

Finally our Reddit SFW plugin offers the following functionalities-
You can create/destroy a profile
In each profile you can add Subreddits into a blacklist/whitelist of a profile.
You can switch Safesearch on/off. If it is on then our plugin will run the spacy model on the backend for the comments of each post. It classifies each post into Top/NSFW/Controversial for those which are not explicitly marked by Reddit.
You can load the profile and correspondingly choose blacklist/whitelist to follow

This is the UI of our plugin. It offers the create a new profile, select a profile, select blacklist & whitelist. The current chosen profile is home which has whitelist selected which contains r/news, r/politics, r/AskReddit. As you can see in figure2, only posts from these subReddits are there in the feed.


The approach that we use is as follows- We first Collect top, controversial and NSFW posts from Reddit which are already marked as such. We extract their comments data using the Reddit API PRAW. There are a lot of posts on Reddit which don’t have text but images or links. So for these posts we scrape their comments and analyse them to classify them. We collected 100K comments from each of the categories(Top, Controversial, NSFW) and use these as the dataset to train our classifer model.

We collected NSFW posts from some famous NSFW SubReddits like r/nswf, r/porn, r/morbidreality. SubReddits used for top as well as controversial posts were r/funny, r/AskReddit, r/news, r/politics. These subReddits are followed by a large number of a people and have a variety of posts that can be used to build a good enough dataset spanning over multiple kinds of features. These are the subReddits that define Reddit itself.

For our current training approach we used Spacy’s TextCategorizer model to train on the extracted data. It is a CNN based model which assigns positive/negative vector to each word in the document. The document tensor is then summarized by concatenating max and mean pooling. Multilayer perceptron is then used to predict an output vector of length Number of Classes.

We acheived pretty good results with an F-score of 0.65 after 15 epochs of training. Considering that the dataset was not human annotated but just based on the belief that the comments of the post can accurately identify it as NSFW or controversial, the results are quite remarkable.


We also have the demo for our plugin here. Though in the final plugin we collapse the NFSW and controversial posts from the feed if safe search is on, for demo purposes we have just tagged it(in RED on top right). The post “ Trump retweets... ‘for treason’ ” has been marked as Controversial.We also have a post from Statue gropers where a man is groping a statue of Wonder Woman which has been marked as NSFW. These posts are not explicitly marked by Reddit but our model feels they have potential to be controversial and NSFW respectively after analysing their comments.

Gallery and Video









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